January 2024 Seminar
1. Date & Time
Date: January 11, 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 12 noon to 3:00 pm (3 hour seminar, CPE Credit 3 Hours)
Lunch will be provided from 11:30 am, Registration will start at 11:30 am.
2. Place
Yongsusan Restaurant (용수산) 1 층 한라홀
950 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90006
3. Topics & Speakers
① First Part (12:00-1:30): Tax Update - Individual
(Presented by 최호건, CPA)
Secure Act 2.0
Tax Credits
Other Updates and Practitioner Aids
② Second Part (1:30-3:00): Tax Update - Business
(Presented by 김진형, CPA)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting
California Tax Basis Capital Account Reporting
Other Updates and Practitioner Aids
4. Registration fee:
Member (Online or at the door): $40
Non-member (Online or at the door): $70
A member is a member who has paid an annual fee of $100
If you have any questions for registration, please contact Shin Suk Oh, CPA,
Secretary, at kacpa@kacpa.org.
If you have any questions on the seminar, please contact our Seminar Director,
Jin Hyeong Kim, CPA at jhykim@hotmail.com.