KACPA 8월 세미나 알려드립니다. 날짜는 8월22일 목요일입니다.
이번 8월 세미나는 장소를 바꿔서 아로마 5층 One Event Hall 에서 합니다.
세미나 주제와 강사를 아래와 같이 소개합니다.
Invitation to Aug 2024 Seminar
1. Date: Aug 22nd, 2024 (Thursday)
2. Time: 12 noon to 3 pm (3-hour seminar).
Lunch will be provided and starts at 11:30 am.
Registration starts at same time.
3. Topic & Speaker:
First Part (12:00-1:20): 401K Plan Design & Compliance (Presented by Sylvia Ahn, Financial Advisor at Principal Financial Group)
Break Time (15 Min): CPA Practice Financing (Presented by SBA Dept, Bank of
Second Part (1:35-3:00): Compilation and Review Update 2024 (Presented by James Kim CPA, Partner of Kim & Lee CPAs)
- To inform the changes made to the Compilation and Review Standards by the AICPA's Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC)
- To address practice issues related to Compilation and Review engagements
4. CPE Credit: 3 Hours
5. Place: The One Event Venue (5th floor at Aroma SPA building)
3680 Wilshire Blvd 5th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90010
6. Registration fee:
Member (Online or at the door): $40
Non-member (Online or at the door): $70
Please register at www.kacpa.org
If you have any questions for registration, please contact Shin Suk Oh, CPA,
Secretary, at kacpa@kacpa.org.
If you have any questions for the seminar, please contact our Seminar Directors,
Stanley Cha, CPA, at schacpa@gmail.com.
Korean-American CPA Society of Southern California
남가주 한인 공인회계사 협회