1월 23일 목요일에 있을 KACPA 1월 세미나 알려드립니다.
Invitation to January 2025 Seminar
1. Date: Jan 23, 2025 (Thursday)
2. Time: 12 noon to 3 pm (3-hour seminar). Lunch will be provided and starts at 11:30 am.
Registration starts at the same time.
3. Topic & Speaker:
•First Part (12:00-1:30): Small Business Access to Capital Workshop
(Presented by Gene Pak, Bank of Hope)
•Second Part (1:30-3:00): Income Tax Update
(Presented by Sally Kim, CPA)
4. CPE Credit: 3 Hours
5. Place: The One Banquet Hall (아로마 5층)
3680 Wilshire Blvd 5th Floor.
Los Angeles, CA 90010
6. Registration fee:
•Member (Online or at the door): $40
•Non-member (Online or at the door): $70
Please register at www.kacpa.org
If you have any questions for registration, please contact Shin Suk Oh, CPA,
Secretary, at kacpa@kacpa.org.
Best regards,
Shin Suk Oh, Secretary
Korean-American CPA Society of Southern California3435 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1040Los Angeles, CA 90010www.KACPA.org
Tel. (213) 788-3388