August 2023 Seminar
1. Date: August 17, 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 12 noon to 3 pm (3-hour seminar, CPE Credit 3 Hours).
Lunch will be provided at 11:30 am and registration will also start at 11:30 am.
2. Topics & Speakers:
1) First Part 12:00-1:30
Corporate Governance Documentation / Corporate Sale (Buying) Procedure & Documentation
(Presented by Mr. Hansin (Scott) Kim, Esq. from LACWKRR, LLP)
1. Documentation to prevent Corporate Veil Piercing - Board Meeting, Shareholders Meeting documentation / stock certificate (front & back),
stock transfer ledger
2. Procedure and documentation for Corporate Sale (Buying) - Stock sale, Asset sale
2) Second Part 1:30-3:00
Sales Tax Issues (Presented by Justin Park, CPA)
1. Taxable and non-taxable sale by industries
2. Issues regarding sales tax filing for online sales
3. Countermeasures against sales tax audit
3. Place
JJ Grand Hotel 2nd Floor 620 S Harvard Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90005
4. Registration fee
Member – Online or at the door: $40
Non-member – Online or at the door: $60
If you have any questions for registration, please contact Shin Suk Oh, CPA, Secretary, at kacpa@kacpa.org. If you have any questions on the seminar, please contact our Seminar Director, Jin Hyeong Kim, CPA at jhykim@hotmail.com. Hanwook Jo, President Korean-American CPA Society of Southern California 남가주 한인 공인회계사 협회